Septic Products
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Bio-Tabs & Bio-Clean
Most people don’t know this, but your septic system is actually your own little backyard waste-water treatment plant that processes and purifies your household waste (effluent). The effluent consists of blackwater (toilet wastes) and greywater (kitchen sink, bathtub and laundry wastes).
A septic system has two components: a septic tank and a leaching system. Primary treatment occurs in the septic tank, where bacteria digest organic materials (typically the solids) in the wastewater. The effluent then flows into the leachfield for secondary treatment. Here, bacteria complete the digestion and purification process as the wastewater slowly leaches or infiltrates into the soil.
Bio-Tab brand biological activator is a highly concentrated tablet of bacteria and enzymes sold through the professional Septic Tank pumping industry. Bio-Tab is the ideal additive for maintenance of residential septic systems. BIO-TAB is a highly concentrated tablet of bacteria (both aerobic and anaerobic) and enzymes that act as a biological activator for septic tanks. In short, BIO-TAB helps septic systems work the way they were intended.
Unlike most competitor’s dusty powders or messy liquids, BIO-TAB is in tablet form. Easy to use and easy to store, BIO-TAB is highly concentrated (one jar contains a year’s supply). It is a safe, non-toxic, non-corrosive and non-poisonous product that will not harm plumbing or septic systems.
One jar (a full year supply) of Bio-Tab is only $45.00 with FREE shipping and handling. Click here to order.
My drains are slow. Does that mean I have a septic problem?
Every year people spend MILLIONS OF DOLLARS on products that can’t solve their plumbing problems!
But what if there were a product that not only REMOVED the cause of the problems, but did it in a SAFE, EFFECTIVE and ECONOMICAL MANNER!?!
That product would be BIO-CLEAN!
In nature all animal and vegetable matter, from insects to mighty oak trees are broken down and recycled into plant food by enzymes and bacteria. BIO-CLEAN uses this same principle to biodegrade animal and vegetable waste in pipes.
Like all living things, bacteria must eat to survive. Fortunately certain types of bacteria will use for food the grease, hair, soap film and all the organic waste that tend to clog peoples drains.
Enzymes act like short order cooks. They prepare food for bacteria by breaking large molecules down into a size the bacteria can “swallow.” Each enzyme works on one specific type of molecule. For example, the protease enzyme only works on protein. Lipase works only on fats.
The bacteria in BIO-CLEAN are dormant while in the jar. When mixed with water they come to life in about 30 minutes. In the meantime the enzymes are breaking down the waste. They are very fast. In fact, they work on contact. When the bacteria revive they are hungry. Each one eats its weight of waste every minute – and they never sleep! As a result of eating and growing they start to multiply through cell division. Their number will double every 30 minutes under favorable conditions.
BIO-CLEAN should be mixed with warm (not hot) water and applied when no water will be drained for six to eight hours. This allows some of the bacteria time to embed themselves into the waste so they won’t be washed out when water is drained again. Complete instructions are inside each container.
Periodic maintenance treatments prevent new organic waste build-up, so no more slow drains or clogs!
BIO-CLEAN is only $75.00 and it will solve your problems without destroying your septic system.