St Joe County requires a septic inspection to transfer a property. ASAP POOP Co. has a Licensed, IOWAP Certified Inspector who is thoroughly trained on how to properly and fairly inspect your septic system on staff to handle these inspections for you.
For Home Sale and Mortgage Refinance
Let’s face it, septic systems are expensive to repair or replace. Therefore, the purpose of the septic inspection is to identify any obvious and maybe not so obvious malfunction of these systems prior to the real estate closing. With this information you can make an informed decision whether you should proceed with the purchase or re-negotiate the purchase price.
A septic inspection does not guarantee that the septic system will not fail or need repair. All the inspector can do is identify if something is not correct at the moment of the inspection.
For example: I inspect a Lift station today and everything works. Two month pass by and the lift pump quits. The new home owner is most likely unhappy. But because the pump is an electric motor I have no way of testing the electrical integrity of that pump while it is at the bottom of the lift station.
Example 2 There is one person living in the home now and your moving four people into the home. The system is working fine for one person but will not handle the needs of four people. This is one of the most common things I see. A few months after moving into the new home the septic fails because it can’t handle the load of the new family. An inspection only identifies what the inspector sees at the time of inspection and makes no guarantee that the septic system will not fail or need repair.
Example 3 Vacant Homes: If no one is living in the home at the time of the septic inspection its very difficult to detect systems that do not accept water at the needed rate. We can look to see if it looks like the water level has ever been high but sometimes this can’t be done effectively.
A septic inspection does not guarantee that the septic system will not fail or need repair. It only identifies the condition at the time of inspection.